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Vauban Romania
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Vauban Romania
Rating si Pareri
0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#24180 din 24180 de Companii din Servicii
Membru Gratuit din 2014
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Scrie o parere
Vauban Romania Vauban Romania 0213164041 Str. Ion Otetelesanu, Nr. 2, Bucuresti, Bucuresti
Produse si servicii

IT, financial services, industry, telecom, utilities, fmcg&retail, other consulting, vsdc, business applications

Tipul companiei

Prestator servicii

Piata de desfacere


Nr. angajati


Anul infiintarii


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2014!
Vauban is an innovative and growing Business processes & IT services company. Continuously looking for new talents, Vauban delivers IT services and newest business solutions for main companies in the region.

Working with top 100 premiums companies in several industries, Vauban is leading projects in Romania and abroad.

By joining Vauban, You will be part of a successful team composed of Romanian and international competences, that will allow you to evolve your career and to succeed your projects.
Din Gura in Gura